adalah penyedia Jasa Proofreading Jurnal dan Jasa Translate Jurnal, yang membantu penulis dalam meningkatkan Bahasa Inggris pada paper untuk diterbitkan di Jurnal bereputasi seperti SCOPUS, Web of Science (WoS) dan IEEE.
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Dari review-review tersebut, terbukti bahwa rata-rata review positif yang kami terima mencapai 4.9, yang menunjukkan keunggulan dan kepercayaan pelanggan terhadap jasa proofreading jurnal kami. Oleh karena itu, tidak perlu meragukan kualitas layanan kami dalam Jasa Proofreading Jurnal.
Daftar Jurnal Q1 dari Klien yang Telah Kami Bantu Layanan Proofreading dan Terjemahan
Nama Jurnal | Bidang | Quartile | Link |
Jurnal bioflux | Ecology, Aquatic Biology | Q2 | Link ke Jurnal |
Phytochemistry | Chemistry, Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Electronics MDPI | Electronic Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Asia Business Studies | Economy, Business | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Enterprise Information Management | Management, Business | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | Biology | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Pharmacology Research and Perspectives | Medical, Pharmacology | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Area Engineering Architecture | Civil, Architecture, Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering | Civil and Structural Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal Spatium | Architecture | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Heliyon | Multidisciplinary | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management (IJHCUM) | Urban Management | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Forest and Society Journal | Forestry | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Big Data | Computer Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Polymers | Material / Polymers | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal on Monetary Economics (JME) | Economics, Finance | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Asian Journal of Psychiatry | Medicine, Psychology | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Ocean & Coastal Management | Oceanography, Environmental, Aquatic Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
International Journal of Wildland Fire | Forestry, Ecology | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (JAAP) | Energy/Chemistry | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Elsevier | Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (EJMSTE) | Mathematics, Education | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Thermal Engineering | Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Religious Studies | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal (IGCJ) | Religious Studies, Psychology | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Taylor and Francis, Journal Energy Sources Part A | Energy | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Energy Storage | Energy | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Theriogenology | Agricultural, Biological Sciences, Veterinary | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Zoologischer Anzeiger | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah | Arts and Humanities | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal Social Sciences MDPI | Social Sciences | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Thinking Skills and Creativity | Social Sciences, Education | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Result in Engineering Elsevier | Engineering Thermal | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Economics Finance & Management Studies | Economics, Econometrics and Finance | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Materials Today Chemistry Elsevier | Chemical Engineering, Materials Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Arabian Journal of Chemistry | Chemical Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal Religious and Pilgrimage | Arts and Humanities, Religious Studies | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Ecotourism | Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Heliyon | Multidisciplinary | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Biodiversity and Conservation | Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Materials Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Polymers | Chemistry, Materials Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology | Environmental Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
IEEE Access | Computer Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Sustainability MDPI | Energy, Sustainability | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Civil Engineering Journal (CEJ) | Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Forecasting | Business, Management and Accounting | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Verbum et Ecclesia | Arts and Humanities | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier) | Chemical Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Jurnal Pharmaceutics | Pharmaceutical Science, Drug Discovery | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Jurnal Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry | Bioinformatics, Computational Chemistry | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Jurnal Polymers | Polymers, Materials Chemistry | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
International Journal of Technology (IJTech) | Engineering, Technology | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Elsevier: Phytochemistry | Plant Chemistry, Secondary Metabolites | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Scientific Reports | Multidisciplinary Science, Scientific Research | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Natural Medicines | Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences | Mathematics, Engineering Management | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Microchemical Journal | Analytical Chemistry, Microanalysis | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Chemistry – A European Journal | Chemistry, Materials Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Food and Drug | Food Science, Pharmacology | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Forest and Society | Forestry, Social Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Elsevier: Journal Development of Economics | Economics, Development Studies | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
MAR (Management Accounting Research) | Accounting, Business Management | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal LEARN | Education, Learning Sciences | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management | Hydrology Engineering | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Journal of Materials Research and Technology | Materials Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Marine Policy Journal | Biological Sciences, Aquatic Science | Q1 | Link ke Jurnal |
Lihat 113 Review Kami di Google Maps (4.9)
Berikut adalah contoh portofolio kami dari paper-paper yang telah terbit di berbagai jurnal Scopus, Silahkan klik pada judul paper dibawah ini untuk mengakses artikel
Jasa Translate
Jasa translate jurnal bertujuan untuk membantu peneliti menerjemahkan paper dari bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Inggris dengan kualitas yang sesuai standar jurnal Scopus.
Jasa Proofreading
Jasa proofreading jurnal bertujuan untuk membantu peneliti memperbaiki bahasa paper sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa Inggris yang benar, dengan kualitas yang sesuai standar jurnal Scopus.
Jasa Formatting
Jasa formatting bertujuan untuk memformat paper agar sesuai dengan template jurnal menggunakan Mendeley. Ini termasuk penataan halaman, gaya dan font, halaman, referensi, dan elemen lain.
Konsultasi Jurnal
Kami menyediakan layanan konsultasi untuk penulis yang ingin mengirimkan paper mereka ke jurnal terindeks Scopus termasuk pemilihan Jurnal yang tepat dan cepat.
Alhamdulilah, paper saya terbit di Journal Electrochimica Acta, Q1 Scopus, Publisher Elsevier. Tidak berbayar, APC = 0, karena submit dengan subscribed.
– Bapak Indra Fathona
Paper saya telah terbit di Journal Marine Policy, Q1 Scopus, Terima kasih atas pelayanan dan jasa proofreading yang berkualitas..
– Bapak Heri
Terima kasih, paper saya accepted di Q2, Jurnal Islamic Thought and Civilization, Q2 Scopus, Lama proses 4 bulan, Bidang Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
– Bapak Andi
Terima kasih NPS, paper saya telah terbit di Journal Verbum et Ecclesia, Q1 Scopus, bidang social science, religious.
– Bapak Theodorious Pangalila
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